Track Review: Elena Ramona- Happy Song



Elena Ramona


Happy Song




Happy Song is available at:

RELEASED: 18th May, 2015


IT is always great revisiting an artist …

who keeps producing stunning results.  Too many musicians/new acts (last a short time); the quality starts to drop- finding acts that evolve/improve is very rare (indeed).  Elena Ramona (has had a) busy 2015: some prestigious gigs; news songs- plans for a future record.  As this year propels into gear, Elena releases Happy Song: her most urgent and instant song to date- a tantilising glimpse (as to what) a future release could contain.

Beginning with a wordless vocal- a skyward paen- a spoken word snippet unfolds (strangely “lift going up” are the words uttered).  Knowing the background to the song- the pleasures of working life; the daily routine- (those words) makes more sense.  Adding a heavy (electronic) beat into the mix- an undertone of Dub-Step and Grime- the song mutates and develops; Elena’s voice snaps and cracks- almost providing a Rap-like delivery.  On the mic. she lets reality speak (“I’m 25/I’m still alive/Working that nine-to-five”) - almost seeing resigned to the fate (of the day job and all its pains.  There is a palpable sense (of wanting to break free); trying to fulfil her dreams- trapped inside a humdrum/undesirable life.  Backed by funk-laden vibes (and a bouncing, insatiable beat) Elena’s voice rides and rules: wracked by anxiety, our heroine wants to take a shot at stardom- break away from (the unhappiness) of the here-and-now.  Making the most of her lot, (Elena Ramona’s) Happy Song will get the customers (of her workplace) singing- whichever floor they are on; wherever they are.  I know how much Elena loves her colleagues and home; the work she puts in- she has a lot of fun/adventure (at her workplace).  Her ambitions and heart belong to music; she wants to make it her living- that ache and yearning comes through (in every note).  Propelled by the beat, Elena’s voice is sharp and gripping: every word (and line) hits the mark; her passion and talent lift the lyrics high (and makes you imagine her every move; happily tripping the shop floor; smiling and singing- lost in her daydreams).  The chorus is one of the most memorable (I have heard in a while): simple and unforgettable, it is sure to be a crowd-uniter: that which demands chanting; designed to get the masses singing- a pure and direct delight.  Elena Ramona’s quirkiness and personality comes out- her way with words and imagery; her subject matter; charming little vocal moments (giving the listener an insight into her working life).  Having reviewed her before- two E.P.s and other songs- she has grown and strengthen- her voice is stronger and more confident (than I have ever heard).  Happy Song is a triumph for Elena Ramona: incredible songwriting, a passionate vocal- a track that is hard to ignore.  This year has seen (the young artist) dream and perform; surprise and desire- it cannot be long until she is a household name.  If Happy Song is anything to go by, one thing is for sure...

IT is her time to shine.

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