The 350th: Foreplay is for Cowards- A Celebration of New Music

The 350th:

Espresso Shot

Foreplay is for Cowards-


A Celebration of New Music




AS I ‘celebrate’- well, wonder how the hell I did it- the 350th blog post, I decided to do something different…

and put together a playlist- that which celebrates the best of new music.  Having reviewed a lot of acts- from around the world; all different ages- it was great digging through SoundCloud- seeing which songs would fit in (hopefully my arranging/producing skills are passable).  It is not just celebrating new music; there is a charity component: users/listeners are encouraged to visit a JustGiving page- I have set up- and donate (to The British Red Cross).  In as much (as they do) terrific work- often in extreme and dangerous circumstances- they are desperately under-funded- and need support now.

[soundcloud url="" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /]

Across the 21-track collection, there is a great mix of sounds: from the new Pop sound of Jen Armstrong to the upbeat Blues of Jonnythefirth- with lots of diversity in-between- there is something for everyone!  Take a listen to the playlist and enjoy!  I have called it Foreplay is for Cowards because (and not that I believe that statement) it a) sounds like a cool album title (my first two- if I get a band- would be Marriage: A Beautiful Revenge and American Genius) and b) it begged a simple- yet effective- ‘album cover’- something I whipped up for the project.  Not sure if I will make it to 500 blog posts- which is why this event may not be as arbitrary as it seems- and I want to highlight some of my favourite/hardest-working musicians- there are many more (I want to include).  Maybe on the 400th we will do it again; do something special- maybe get everyone together at a gig.

For now; enjoy the music and remember to donate- all the links and information is below.  Once you have done that, check out the acts included- these guys have tonnes of quality songs.  Thanks for reading and supporting the blog: here’s to the next 350 (you may be bored stiff of my by then)!

Peace X

Playlist link:

JustGiving link: