Track Review: Elena Ramona- Christmas Together



Elena Ramona



Christmas Together




Christmas Together is available at:


December 11th, 2015



Guildford, U.K.

Lyrics and Vocals by Elena Ramona

Music written by Rob Kidd, Chris Snelling, Luke Anderson and Elena Ramona

Music Recorded and Produced by Luke Anderson


IT has been a while since I have reviewed…

Elena Ramona.  Having had a busy year- including new material and impressive live performances- she brings her 2015 with the track Christmas Together.  Summoning up the peace, joy and togetherness of Christmas, I was keen to review the track and see what was on offer:

The opening notes of Christmas Together summon Christmas traditions and something gleeful and merry.  Ensuring the song begins with huge festive positivity; the listener is instantly put in a good mood.  When Elena arrives at the microphone she is hoping for meaning and hope this year; praying and thinking of those in need and “the misunderstood”.  Not wanting meaningless things; there is a desire for comfort, charity and relevance.  Letting her voice ride an infectious piano line, that central message- wanting togetherness and family- shines through; you cannot help but get caught up in the purity and happiness of the track.  Recalling some of the better Christmas classics, the song is descriptive and scenic in terms of lyrics- you start to imagine the scenes Elena is singing and describing.  By the closing stages the vocal becomes elongated and emotional as our heroine switches her focus to direct a vital thought into the music.  Imploring (the listener) not to “take what you have for granted”; you never know how long you will have it for.  A true and undervalued message around Christmas- commercialism tends to get in the way- the final moments are gentle, contemplative and extremely soulful.  With a juvenile joy and an immense amount of passion, Christmas Together is an infectious Pop-based number that is guaranteed to compel the listener and create massive smiles.

Alongside Rob Kidd, Chris Snelling and Luke Anderson; Elena Ramona has created a composition full of Christmas joy and cheer- a dizzying and delighted sound that evokes classic Christmas tracks whilst giving it a contemporary vibe.  With Elena imploring thought and giving this Christmas- alongside lyrics and images of festival cheer and family- and you have a song that has depth and heart.  Backed by a passionate and beautiful vocal and you have one of the best Christmas songs from 2015.  Make sure you check out a wonderful song that will make...

A real difference.

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