Interview: Eden Jones




Eden Jones



IT is going to be exciting to see which artists make a mark through 2016…

For my money, Eden Jones is going to be one of the hot names to watch this year.  With a stunning range of music behind her- she is planning gigs throughout 2016- we will be seeing new material and  fresh revelations from the stunning young artist.  With so many singer-songwriters emerging, Jones sticks in the memory and is hard to forget.  I was keen to see how 2015 treated her; plans for the coming year- which artists have inspired and influenced her music and voice.


Hi Eden.  I hope you are well.  How has your day week been? 

Hey I am great thank you; I had a blessed holiday period with my family and friends.  I had some new home studio toys to play with so I kept busy.  Christmas and the New Year is always a great time to recharge, reevaluate and get focused so I’m ready for 2016

You split your time between L.A. and London.  How do the cities differ in terms of music/people and what compelled you to travel to L.A.?

I think they differ loads.  London is more about live music, gigging and getting yourself out there.  I find L.A. a great place for studio sessions and getting the majority of the writing done- so it’s a great mix, and hell, who doesn’t want to be spending their down time soaking up some rays and hiking!  I have such an incredible team and friend network in L.A. that it really is a second home.


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Wild Hearts is your latest track- and a track I hope to review- and really spoke to me.  What inspired you to write it?

I guess I used to live my life robotic; to society's standards.  Then adolescence came and I made my mistakes; after a few years of being thoroughly lost a friend of mine told me if I wanted to see the world just do it- if I wanted to sing then sing loud.  I guess the song comes from my experiences after that conversation.  It resonated with me so deeply and now I live day-to-day, doing something I love and loving what this beautiful Earth has to offer us.  It’s not conventional but more and more people are breaking free from the constraints of the rat race and finding peace and happiness in nature; and even if it’s just for an hour a day, I try to disconnect from social media and modern life to take in some of its beauty.  Wild Hearts is written from that place I go to when I’m not taking pictures of the stuff around me; just taking it all in and experiencing real life.

I think your voice defines your music.  It has soul and passion.  There is plenty of rawness and vulnerability.  Which singers have been influential when shaping that stunning voice?

Thank you.  I try to sing every word and lyric like I’m telling a story and I love other story-tellers.  From tribal singing to Kate Bush and Bjork- who are two incredible female artists that tell their story with emotion in their voice.  I take inspiration from them.

A lot of musicians I know are successful because they feel like outsiders; some feel misunderstood.  What compelled you to become a musician and have you had any struggles/bad times that have influenced you to make music?

I think everyone has a past and has had struggles.  We all have people who affect our happiness and we all make decisions that create pain in our own worlds and I certainly have made mine.  My music is like a diary of the pain; the hurt and coming out the other side stronger and at peace with it all.   Every experience can be learnt from and I’ve learnt to forgive and find inner-strength to find a positive in my past.

Last year was quite busy for you.  What does 2016 have in store?  An E.P. or album in the pipeline? 

Yes, I am working on new music all the time.  I love being in the studio and getting a song in my inbox from a producer finished is like Christmas morning!

Being a young woman in the music industry; have you found any challenges/inequality when trying to get your music made and your voice heard?  Do you think there is a gender imbalance in the industry?

I have been really lucky and had an incredible response from other people in the industry both male and female.  I have had my fair share of labeling though.  I speak in a public school accent and this has for sure been something that has been mentioned along the way.  People have assumed that I have had financial help.

I must admit I do revel in telling them I have done it all myself; living in hostels and worked my ass off in full-time work at the same time as recording and creating my own fate.  I like to think in today’s society it doesn’t matter who you are, what sex you are; where you are from or the colour of your skin- If you keep your feet on the ground then hard work pays off.

In terms of your influences and idols; who has been particularly important to you growing up?

I guess like everyone the music your parents listen to tend to shape your music ear.  My dad loved Queen and Dire Straits and my mum was an Enya and Adam Ant fan.  We always had music on growing up and the vast spectrum of styles has defiantly helped mould my eclectic style.


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If you had to pick a song/moment from your career which stands out this most which would it be?

I think it would be The Hunger- a song I wrote with Carsten Lindberg in the U.S. this summer.  I wanted to create something for a friend of mine who is recovering in hospital after a pretty serious accident.  I spent nearly a year writing notes, poems, letters and nothing quite said what I wanted it to.  But with Carsten he captured the emotion so beautifully in the track that the lyrics and melody just came out.  We recorded at his home in Los Angeles and I cried my way through the vocal takes.  We kept them pretty raw and (still) when I listen to the song I tear-up most times.  This track resembles strength beyond comprehension and the whole experience from writing to recording was very spiritual for me.  I just hope my friend loves it as much as I do; he is my hero and for sure the bravest and strongest human I have ever been blessed to know.

A lot of music emanates from heartache and relationships.  Has love and relationships been important when it comes to your music.  What is your creative process when writing a new song?

Yes, I think heartache is something everyone can relate to.  I have had some pretty distressing times and also some incredible friendships and relationships in my past; and always write from experience.  When I start a session I like to get to know the producer and any co-writers so they can understand the story we are going to tell and can feel the emotion behind the lyrics.

There will be some young artists inspired to follow in your footsteps.  What advice would you give them?

Every journey is different but I think just do something you love, don’t chase the money or fame, just enjoy every day; and then if it doesn’t work out you have a life of laughs and experience money couldn’t  buy, and that will forever put a smile on your face.

It seems like you have a great bond and connection with your social media followers.  How important have they been with regards your music and success?

My social media followers are incredible.  I have such support and it always surprises me how sweet and kind people are.  I have people promote and help me from all around the world and I feel very lucky.  I just can’t wait to repay them all with a finished album.

What one gift would you like if you could choose anything?

I have such a blessed life full of wonderful friends and family that I couldn’t wish for anything for myself. Health, peace and strength for all those who need it would be the best gift.  Thanks and maybe a puppy… who doesn’t love puppies!? :)

Finally- and for being a good egg- you can name any song you like; I’ll play it here…

Well it has to be Dakota by Stereophonics.  They invited me to their show at the O2 last month and it was so incredible live.  They have been going for 20 years and still pack out a venue as big at the O2 arena with fans of every age.  They are ultimately one of the coolest bands and their live performances are note-perfect.





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