FEATURE: David Bowie: The Legend Lives On



David Bowie:


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The Legend Lives On


IN a couple of days it will be a year since…

Image result for david bowie photos

David Bowie died and there are still people mourning. That is the result of a musical genius who touched many people’s lives. Yesterday, BBC aired the documentary David Bowie: The Last Five Years: it provided a glimpse and portrait into his final (busy) five years and what he was getting up to; memories of his earlier work and how he evolved as a musician. Recounting some tragic times – when Bowie suffered his heart attack during/after a gig – Bowie would be subject to half-a-dozen such attacks before he died. That burn-out he felt towards the end is underlined and shows just how much energy Bowie put into his performances. It (the documentary) is a wonderful piece that collates memories and anecdotes about the great man. Aside from ailing health; you get a look at his live gigs and recordings: just how prolific, inventive and passionate he was right until the final days. It is a bittersweet documentary but an essential one for any fan. In addition, there is a new E.P. out that collates Bowie’s final songs. The E.P., No Plan, can be streamed and will be released today to mark Bowie’s 70th birthday. It is another crucial purchase and pleasing to hear new material come to light – nearly a year after he died. I am no super-fan but felt compelled to pay tribute to someone who has changed so many lives. It is hard to calculate and define just what David Bowie gave to music. From his earliest recordings through to Ziggy Stardust; his multiple personality changes and personas – no musician has every remained so popular and inspirational when changing their outer skin as freely. It is the personality and core that always remains the same (regardless of who Bowie is). In sheer musical terms, he covered so much ground and created some of music’s greatest-ever albums. Rather than write a lot of words – there are those better suited to the task; that would do a finer job - I wanted to collate some photos and interviews of David Bowie, from his earliest years to his final recordings, and, of course, some magnificent songs. Happy 70th birthday, David – wherever you may be!

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Interview on the Russell Harty Show (1975)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4_0bVgIRjg&w=560&h=315]

Interview with Afternoon Plus (1979)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwTFW4kfHl4&w=560&h=315]

Interview with MTV News (1995)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zri74q3HDDY&w=560&h=315]

Interview with Newsnight (1999)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiK7s_0tGsg&w=560&h=315]

Interview with Conan O’Brien (2002)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40c0wjFeFPY&w=560&h=315]

Interview with 7:30 Report (2004)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahT4xFY49w4&w=560&h=315]

Image result for david bowie photos

David Bowie’s Twenty Best Tracks
