INTERVIEW: Andrea Di Giovanni



 Andrea Di Giovanni


THIS young songwriter has had…


a pretty hectic year so far! I have been speaking with Andrea Di Giovanni about his time in London and why he moved from Rome. He discusses the new single, Got to Blame, and the story behind it; whether there is anything coming in the pipeline; why modern artists like Beyoncé are influences; how inspiring London is as a city – and whether there are any upcoming gigs we can catch him at.

I learn more about the creative process of a modern-day Pop artist and what it takes to succeed. Di Giovanni offers some advice to new artists; the albums that mean the most to him – and a few cool artists we would be wise to check out.


Hi, Andrea. How are you? How has your week been?

Hiya! All good…you?

It’s been amazing. Released my new single and performed live with my band at Thousand Island!

For those new to your work; can you introduce yourself, please?

I am a twenty-three-year-old singer-songwriter, originally from Rome (Italy). I moved to London four years ago to study at the British Institute of Modern Music - where I graduated this year in Creative Musicianship.

The main artists I’m inspired by are David Bowie, Rihanna and Sam Smith. I like to combine Pop with dark electronic elements.

Got to Blame is your new single. Can you tell me about its story and origins?

I wrote Got to Blame about a year ago when I finally chose to be myself and let go of the shame that held me back for a long time. The song talks about the struggles that you find and fight on the way to self-acceptance. Life is already hard.

We need to stop criticising ourselves so harshly and live up to who we are.

The song has a big, electronic sound. Did the composition come together gradually or was it quite an organic process?

I wrote it, originally, in an acoustic way and then created a home-made demo. I’ve, then, contacted my friend Jamie Sellers at Run Wild Music and developed, in two sessions, the final arrangement.

The epic backing vocals on the track are from Lucrezia Perletti and Nadjibá Shabieva.

Is there going to be any more material coming in the next few months/next year?

After Got to Blame; I will be taking a break - as I’ve been working nine months-consecutively and need some fresh air to get new ideas for 2018. I will then write a lot; collaborating with producers in London to create a strong portfolio - to present to labels I am working with.


Tell me about the artists you are influenced by? What kind of music were you raised on?

I always loved Pop music since I was a little kid. My dad used to play me a lot of great music such as Queen, Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston - and I fell in love with music that had soul. Artists that I look up to, now, are David Bowie, Rihanna and Sam Smith - but I always like to bring my own original twist.

I believe in artists that make music that’s different from what the world presents already - rather than copying-and-pasting the top-ten charts.

What compelled the decision to move from Italy to the U.K.?

I was pretty lost in Italy...

I didn’t feel fully understood and, therefore, wasn’t able to express completely my personality. I’ve also wanted to explore the world and make new experiences - and London seemed the place to be.

When you arrived here, you studied at the British Institute of Modern Music. What did you learn from your time there and how important was is it you?

My time at BIMM has been truly amazing. I’ve grown so much since I’ve joined; met pretty incredible musicians and industry professionals - and made connections that are still working now.


Looking back this year; what has been your favourite memory so far?

My best memory so far has to be performing at Brighton Pride. Having that platform to speak to my kind of people has been (truly) a blessing I’ll never forget!

Is London influential when it comes to your music and getting ideas for songs?

Oh, hell, yes! The music scene is so diverse and eclectic here that you end up getting inspiration everywhere.


IN THIS PHOTO: Native Dancer

Who are the new artists you recommend we check out?

Indigo Face, L.E.A; Native Dancer, July Jones and Georgia Meek.



If you had to select the three albums that mean the most to you; which would they be and why?

I’d say: Frank by Amy Winehouse

Because that’s when I fell in love with her incredible voice.

Lemonade by Beyoncé

As it’s an incredibly eclectic album and not too ‘mainstream’ in terms of sound.

Whitney: The Greatest Hits by Whitney Houston

As it reminds me of the times I used to sit in my living-room and sing my heart out!

What advice would you give to artists coming through right now?

Be yourself; be resilient and have fun!


Where can we see you play this year? What dates do you have coming up?

I will be supporting my friend, Brendan Cleary’s E.P. release at Notting Hill Arts Club on 17th November (with my full-band).

Christmas is not too far away. Do you have plans already or will you be busy working?

I will be back at home in Italy - enjoying some good family time!

Finally, and for being a good sport; you can each name a song and I’ll play it here (not one of yours as I’ll do that).

I have a Spotify playlist with all the up-and-coming artists in music.


Follow Andrea Di Giovanni
