INTERVIEW: Anna Winkin




Anna Winkin


IT has been fascinating stepping into Anna Winkin’s world…


and learning more about the young singer-songwriter. She tells me about her current single, The Most Important, and the E.P., Space for Love. I ask about the themes and stories that compelled both; the artists and sounds she grew up listening to; whether there are going to be more releases from the E.P. – and whether there are gigs coming before the close of the year.

Winkin discusses her background and what the music is like where she was born (in Belgium). I ask about her favourite albums and what is coming in 2018 – she gives advice to new songwriters; some thoughts that might help them in their careers.



Hi, Anna. How are you? How has your week been?

I am good! My week has been exciting, busy and uplifting! I have just come back from Belgium - where I did my E.P. launch. It went very well. The venue was packed and we all had a great time!

I am very happy about the night!

For those new to your work; can you introduce yourself, please?

My real name is Anne-Laure Winkin and I am from Belgium. I came to London six years ago for music. I did a degree in Popular Music Performance at BIMM (London) and just finished my Masters in Jazz at Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Throughout my studies; I learned a lot about who I am as an artist and it came out as an E.P. - which was released last week (Thursday, 16th November).

I (mainly) find my inspiration in nature and spirituality - and am willing to use music to help people reconnect with themselves; have more compassion and to help create a better world.

Space for Love is your E.P. What sort of themes and ideas compelled its creation?

I am passionate about self-development. Creating this E.P .has been a process of self-discovery.

I like to use music to uplift myself and to transcend my doubt, worries and fears. It is a sort of meditation; an adjustment inside. I also have this will, through my music, to bring peace of mind, self-awareness and love to the people I am reaching. The title, Space for Love, really represents the idea of making space in our mind and our hearts; to clean up our thoughts in order to have room to receive love in all areas of our lives.

I strongly believe that our thoughts have a massive influence on our lives. Sometimes, we complain; saying that we have all sorts of problems but, if we have a closer look at our thoughts in our daily actions, we might discover that we were putting out the wrong intentions and that we had the wrong way of thinking. That’s the reason it caused a problem in the end. So, if we clean up our thoughts, we make space for better situations to come our way...

In order to create this E.P.; I had to create space for love and inspiration in myself. In each tune of the E.P., I bring up a topic that has to do with being calm and listening - in order to act with awareness, daily.

The Most Important is its current single. What is the story behind that one?

This is actually the first song I wrote from beginning-to-end!

Before that, I started to write a few songs - but never really finished them because I didn’t trust myself. I remember, on that day, I was playing the piano next to the T.V. at my parents’ in the living-room in Belgium (not a very good place for a piano, I know!) and I was arguing with my brother, who was watching T.V. - an argument about who was allowed to put the volume louder. I won - because I arrived first at the piano. It first came with the piano-lick and then the melody of the chorus came. It felt surprisingly good - and even my brother (who is not a singer at all) started to sing with me (and we were laughing about it).

After that, a verse came and then a pre-chorus. I could hear all the harmonies in my head and I was feeling very excited! When writing the lyrics, I was thinking: ‘What is my intention? What do I want to say/do to the world?!’ That’s how I started the verse: I will pray for this world to be better etc..’ That was in the summer of 2013: it took me a very long time to have the guts to reveal it to my friends/musicians -  and have the courage to make this vision a reality. I had the time to grow since that year and, with time, my ideas became clearer and stronger - and this will of bringing up some type of awareness around me grew inside.

With this song, I really want to bring more compassion, love and awareness in the world.


Is it quite satisfying seeing your work out there? Has it been quite a tough creative process?

It is! It has been a journey.

When I decided to make an E.P. - two years ago - I didn’t realise all the work that it would involve. Creating the video was also another challenge - as I wanted it to reflect my ideas in a way that people can access and relate to. I wanted to make the information and the message reachable because, with this type of message, it is easy for it to become cheesy or to be taken as visionary.

Do you know what comes next in terms of recording? Are you working on stuff for 2018?

I already have new songs that I wrote over the last couple of months - and am planning to go back to the studio around January. At the moment, I am mostly looking for a bit of exposure and to gig (both in Belgium and London).



Tell me about the musicians you grew up on. Who are the artists you look up to?

It is when I saw the music video of Janet Jackson All for You that I knew I wanted to become a singer. She was my first role-model.

After that, I discovered Alicia Keys (who is still one of my main influences). Destiny’s Child have also really been present in my musical evolution. My parents used to listen to a lot of African music and, as a therapist, my mother also listens to relaxation and spiritual music (Deva Premal, for example) and Celtic music such as Enya - from who I also got a bit influenced. The artists I look up to at the moment are Lianne La Havas - who I became a big fan of when she released her first E.P. in 2011! Other artists I listen to a lot at the moment are: Amel Larrieux, Sona Jobarteh; Jhené Aiko, Deva Premal; Emeli Sandé, Agnes Obel; Saint Savior, Corinne Bailey Rae etc.

Are there going to be any more songs released from that E.P.?

All the songs of the E.P. have been released (on 16th November). New music will come - either in 2018 or 2019.

You are from Godinne, Belgium. What compelled your move to the U.K.? Was there a bit music scene there?

I have been attracted by the diversity of London...

There is a music scene in Belgium but it is much wider in London - with many more opportunities in the field. I also wanted to be in a city where I could learn English and meet people from different cultures.

London is your base. What is the city like for you? Is it an inspiring place?

It is very inspiring and very rich on many levels.

I like this city because it is a place where people from all over the world come to pursue their dreams. So many people are open-minded and are ready to take risks; to follow their heart - because they know you have to make the most of your life. I really like that. I believe it is important when you have dreams and want to make them a reality; to surround yourself with people who do the same...

I also now have many friends I can call if I need musicians or advice for anything regarding the music industry etc. Even though I like it for this aspect, I really like to go back to Belgium from time to time in order to slow down - as I feel that in London everything is always going fast and people never really take breaks (shops are even open on Sundays!).

I also love going back home for its nature. Godinne is a small village near the river Meuse - and there is a lot of nature over there. I find it very relaxing and peaceful.



Who are the new artists you recommend we check out?

Ibeyi, Judi Jackson and Alice Phoebe Lou.


IN THIS PHOTO: Alice Phoebe Lou

If you had to select the three albums that mean the most to you; which would they be and why?

The Diary of Alicia Keys Alicia Keys

Discovering Alicia Keys when I was a kid wasParadise! These songs are the songs of child/teenagehood. I could actually say that through her music: Alicia Keys taught me how to sing my heart out!

Aventine - Agnes Obel

During my degree at BIMM; I had a tendency to think that, to be a successful artist/singer, I had to be a loud singer. Thinking this way was not good for me because I am naturally shy and have a smooth tone. That yea; I discovered Agnes Obel in more depth and that made me realise that, if I want to, I can only use piano and strings and sing very silently - and still give an amazing and powerful performance.



…But Seriously - Phil Collins

This album reminds me so much of my childhood - because my parents used to listen to him a lot.

What advice would you give to artists coming through right now?

I am not sure I am in the right place to say anything - as I’ve only just started my own career. I would say to stay true to yourself and make sure you only do choices that are aligned with your heart.

What tour dates do you have approaching? Where can we see you play?

28th November: London E.P. launch upstairs at Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club (the second E.P. launch).

30th November at 229 the venue (London).



Christmas is not too far away. Do you have plans already - or will you be busy working?

I think I will take a time for myself and my family...

These last few months have been a bit crazy - with the preparation of the release and the gigs. Now, I need to take the time to sit, be calm; read and spend quality-time with my relatives. I also want to take the time to let the inspiration come so I can write new songs.

Finally, and for being a good sport; you can name a song and I’ll play it here (not one of yours as I’ll do that).

I Wanna Be Like You - Ibeyi


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