FEATURE: Monday Motivation Music: Songs to Kickstart the Working Week




Monday Motivation Music


ALL PHOTOS: Unsplash 

Songs to Kickstart the Working Week


A lot of people are struggling in this heat…


and there are others who do not want to be stuck indoors whilst the sun is out! In any case; many of us are reluctant to get out into the working world and spend our time in a sweaty office! Every Monday morning is a challenge: it is getting harder to lift the energy rates and participate in a full day of rather tedious work. It is another hot and sweaty week ahead, and so, we all need a bit of a kick and motivation. For that reason, I am ending the weekend by putting together a Monday-ready playlist that should add a spring and sense of energy to the step! Put on the playlist and shut the world off; let the songs get into the head and, once they have done their work, they should keep you going…


UNTIL the weekend (or the end of Monday, at the very least!).