INTERVIEW: Indigo Face



Indigo Face


I have been getting to know Indigo Face


and their great new single, The Seed. I discover what the song is about and whether we might see more material down the track. They talk to me about their roots and bringing different sounds/nationalities to the fold; if the stage is where they all feel happiest – they recommend new talent to watch.

I discover whether Indigo Face are touring and which artists they are inspired by; if they have anything left to accomplish this year; what advice they would give musicians coming through – they each end the interview by selecting a song.


Hi, guys. How are you? How has your week been?

Hi! We’re very good, thanks! Our week has been quite busy: we’ve been rehearsing for our gig at Jazzgir and had a photoshoot for our next single!

For those new to your music; can you introduce yourselves, please?

We are Indigo Face; Alternative-Pop band based in London. With our songs, we like exploring the spiritual and earthly sides of the human being and society in all its weirdness and contradictions. 

Can you reveal how Indigo Face found one another? When did you start making music together?

We all met at uni four years ago. We studied at BIMM London and became friends pretty much straight away. Mary (lead singer) had some songs she wanted to work on so she started working with Max (producer, keyboardist and guitarist). Ray (bassist) and Andrea (drummer) joined the band as soon as the songs were ready to play live. 

The Seed is your new release. What is the story behind the song?

The Seed is a song about family and how important it is to let go of toxic dynamics in order to learn how to love unconditionally. Letting go can feel as if we were “waiting in the dark” for someone to switch the light back on, as we sing in the chorus. We didn’t want to take ourselves too seriously though, so we decided to make the song up-tempo and lively enough for people to dance!

Your music seems to draw from all the colours and sides of London; a bit of Funk in there! Do you ensure, when writing music, to put as many different elements and sounds together?

Yes - and it is quite inevitable for us as we come from very different countries. Max is from France; Ray from Switzerland and Mary and Andrea are from Italy, so we all grew up listening to very different music. Our different musical backgrounds merge into our music and, on top of that, we also bring the colors of London (which is home to all of us four). 


Might we see an E.P. or album next year would you say?

Yes. We might release an E.P. We have enough songs for an album, actually, but we’ll see what our fans prefer! 

Which artists are you influenced by? Who are the musicians who have made the biggest impact on the band?

Eurythmics, Christine & the Queens; Highasakite, Björk; Sigrid and Everything Everything. The artists that had the biggest impact are probably Christine & the Queens, Highasakite and AlunaGeorge. 


Do you think there will be touring dates? Can we catch you play?

Sure! We are playing on 8th September at the Bassment in Chelmsford and we’ll have a Sofar Sound session on 19th September (secret location).

We are also thinking of going on tour outside U.K. so…stay tuned! 

Is the stage the place you all feel happiest? How do you feel performing to a crowd and hearing that reaction?!

Absolutely. There is nothing like performing live. Our audience is the best: we love seeing them dancing with us and listening carefully when the songs we play are a bit slower and more intimate. 


You have achieved a lot over the past year. What do want to tick off the do-list before the end of this year?

We think we might have already ticked it off! Last April, we won a competition called 1M Europe and flew to Rome to play The Seed at the Primo Maggio Festival in front of sixty-five-thousand people. It was unbelievable! Without a doubt, our best experience so far.

Have you each got a favourite memory from your time in music – the one that sticks in the mind?

For us all, it was playing at the Primo Maggio Festival in Rome and being on Italian national T.V. 


If you could support any musician alive today, and choose your own rider, what would that entail?

We’d love to support artists like Christine & the Queens and Highasakite as we’re playing similar music and we’re also using a similar sonic approach with our live band. 

For our rider, we’d want healthy food only: no meat; mineral water and a bottle of good wine to celebrate every now and then (smiles). 

What advice would you give to artists coming through?

Don’t give up. We know it sounds cliché, but anything can happen at any time…you just need to work hard and never ever give up. Always remember that nobody can take your artistry and your passion away from you, so keep the faith! 


IN THIS PHOTO: Andrea Di Giovanni

Are there any new artists you recommend we check out?

Andrea Di Giovanni, Rumours and Native Dancer



Do you get much time to chill away from music? How do you unwind?

We like going to art exhibitions, watching movies and...eating loads of good food (smiles). Nothing beats a good dinner with friends. 

Finally, and for being good sports; you can each choose a song and I’ll play it here (not any of your music - I will do that).

Mary: Camille - Lasso

Max: The War on Drugs - Strangest Thing

Ray: Vulfpeck - Daddy, He Got a Tesla

Andrea: Anomalie & Rob Araujo - Hang Glide


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