One Language... For All

“One Language… For All”

The Idea:

This year is going to be a lot more positive one.  Last year- and quite a few that proceeded it- were pretty dreadful.  In addition to (very soon) getting a new place, I am doing a few 'good things': donating blood regularly; getting a band together (starting the end of Feb.); 'switching' to vegetarianism (Feb. 14th); doing more for charity; starting Psycoacoustics- the business that includes a music bar/cafe, charity and record label.  In addition to all of this, I hope to do more for 'me'.  Dating and love are big considerations: finding someone to be with; becoming less lonely.  They are all big plans and ideas, but I am making some (small progress)- if you have it all in writing, it is only a matter of DOING it.

This is often a stumbling-block for people.  If something is hard to: often many will not do it.  It is not just sheer effort (that deters ambition) but a great bugaboo: money.  Back in 2013, I posted an idea for a website- I called it Young Universe; considering its connotations and links to creationism, perhaps not a good choice.  The reason I want to start a music cafe; get a band together; do lots of charity work: it is not for my own fulfillment and self-worth- the idea is to try and help others.  There are lots of websites that do particular things: very few that are all-encompassing and all-inclusive.  Social media websites do little to ACTIVELY boost charities and fine endeavours- too vague and concerned with glibness.  Music websites- there are many of them- have their uses: there is not one that takes care of EVERY need/desire.  The same goes with other aspects of society/consumerism: travel websites, dating sites; search engines, film websites- the list goes on...

For that reason, I got stuck on a thought: why has nobody tried to do this (and create a website that takes care of everything).  I search the internet for hours for compartmentalised reasons: why is it not easy for me to find (information and needs) without searching for hours?  I love travel and the world; languages and charity concerns; comedy and animation- and of course, music.  I have to go to dozens of sites (to fulfill my whims, hungers and curiosity).  I am on THREE social media sites- because they ALL have limits and restrictions.  I visit at least half a dozen music sites (on a regular basis): YouTube and SoundCloud are my sites of choice.  I often wonder if it is the pure amount of TIME it will take (to put something so vast together).  Maybe the millions (who knows how many?) of pounds, perhaps?  These are considerations that can be negotiated and rationalised: perhaps the average human is not too bothered about wider issues- or at least not motivated enough?

I don't know.  What I know is, that there are many out there who cannot experience the world- disabled, elderly, socially/financially disadvantaged etc.- whom want to see as much as possible; discover what is out there- without having to save up for it (or get out of the house).  Like all of my 'big ideas'- music cafe; band; charity organisation- it may be a case of ambition over reality: I am not really a fan of scaling-down/small starts.  If anyone would/could have a read, I would love to know what they thought- if the site is realistic/something they would 'visit'...


In addition to the previous details, the interface involve quite a lot of movement. Shooting stars will be animated as well as satellites, and the planets will revolve. The Moon will be represented. It will replace the Sun during the evening. You can click on it, and will give different ‘evening options’ including different music, bar recommendations etc.

There will be a number of galaxies represented in purple, the stars will alternately glow red, and a satellite will be shown. The satellite will contain your music playlists or T.V./film stream, and can be viewed as you navigate the site.

Personal Profile:

This represents a very small section of the overall website. There would be a ‘profile page’ or front screen. This is a single design; there will be bespoke software where you can design various things. You can choose to produce a short animation; upload a filmed piece and edit it, or do similarly with a photo. There will also be an option to ‘produce’ a photo, sort of like an album cover. There will be other options but you can personalise as much as you like. Also included is an option to produce a stop motion piece, upload a song or a showreel, for instance.

Everyone can access everyone’s front page, and like Twitter; you can choose to accept anyone, or on a person by person basis. The social website itself will be a new design. Facebook has too many white spaces; too many icons you don’t need; icons repeated, as well as adverts all over the place. The chat function is basic and flawed; the mail feature is frustrating and limited, and the overall design is colourless, flat and disorganised.

With this website, the design is that of a skyscraper. The design fills the entire screen and utilises video game technology. You will see a tower, and a lift going through the centre, and a set amount of windows. At the base is an Entrance (where you click and see your own profile; more later). To the left is an intercom, and is the Chat feature. There are options to have certain people on the list, and can talk via messenger, or Skype, and is a lot more advanced than Facebook. To the right is a mail slot, and where you can access e mail. It works more like a personal e mail account, where you can save and file e mails, as well as link it with your own personal e mail account. There is animation, so you can see animated people ‘deliver’ mail, as well as ride up and down the lift. It is constant, and makes it more interesting.

The overall design is slick and modern, and you can choose from a different number of buildings/skyscrapers. There are no adverts, and no excess of icons. All space is used, and gets rid of having ‘favourites’ and cannot ‘like’ a band or product. You can create events, but adverts and photo sharing are restricted. If you want to see them you can. If you only want to see certain things, then you can as well. At the top of the skyscraper, is a helipad; so if anyone is a ‘contact/friend’ a helicopter comes down and they arrive into the ‘building’. There are two flags on the roof. The left hand side can be personalised, to either a ‘Diary’ flag or ‘Events’ so you can rotate them as you see fit. The other flag will be a ‘Music Player’ or ‘Film Player’. If you have a Song of the Day or PlayList, this is where you can access it. You can simply click on the flag and play songs, as you would Spotify, for instance. If you choose a Film Player you can watch a film or T.V. show. There is an option to produce a split screen so you can see both at the same time.

In the skyscraper are windows. This is where activities and updates are, but will fill up in each window. I am working on developing this a lot further and making it much more involved, but you can block windows (which draws blinds across); and the whole experience is much more modern, and exciting. You can customise the flag, the building, and choose what you want to see. There is ‘weather’, so when it is morning, the sun rises, and then sets. You can have rain, sun, cloud etc and will change, according to the weather of where you are currently. Unlike Facebook or Twitter it is not pure social content. It draws in all aspects of the site. For instance, if you are part of the Music, Film, Science, and History parts of the site, you can get updates that you want to read, and links the rest of the site into the social part. This means you can be updated of everything you need to know, as it happens. If you want to block out statuses and pictures and just hear about music, local happenings and news, you can do; like having your own website.

The individual profile consists of a hotel lobby; or the inside of the skyscraper. Using a feature where you can create your own avatar, you will walk into the lobby. There will be a reception area where you pick up your ‘mail’ (e-mail). There is a Guestbook where you access to update your basic info and links etc. There is a portrait on the wall, where you can access and update your photos and videos. There is also a T.V. where you can view and update your points and updates. It is simpler and less cluttered than Facebook with the three main icons. In the lobby is a Games Room, Restaurant, Gym, Cinema and Beauty Saloon that takes you to different features and pages. The main other feature is your own personal Room. When you click on it, you go up an escalator or a lift, and go inside. In here is a room with lots of visual props, based on your personal likes and interests. So for instance if you are interested in travel, there is a globe; C.D. player for music etc. This makes it easier to see updates relating to those individual sections.

In essence, the idea is to involve more real life. You can video chat to anyone; get local news etc. and block out anything meaningless or boring. It does not compel you to be glued to it, but gives a much-needed portal to learn things you need to know and keep abreast of things that really matter to you, and connect with people you need to. The idea is to have a core group who you can get along with, and like and less need to be ‘friends’ with any person, just for the hell of it!

Human Profile/Book of You:

This works in conjunction with the personal profile. It is a ‘human representation’ of you. You will create yourself, as an avatar. You can see yourself as a simulation, like Sims. On your personal profile, there is a section, where only you can access it. This shows your body but organs etc are highlighted. If for instance you learn chess or win a few games, it adds a colour/section to the Brain. If you pitch an invention or idea that adds to the brain. If you learn a new language it goes to the Tongue; music/singing to the Mouth; photography in the Eyes; charity contributions in the Heart. If you donate blood that contributes to Blood etc. The idea is to do as much as possible to contribute as much as possible to each organ. There will be points and rewards handed out at certain stages.

Like the body representation, there will be a Book of You. This would be represented in the form of graphs and graphics, inspired by the book Information Is Beautiful. There are various chapters and just chronicles your achievements, updates and work and puts them into the form of charts, graphs, pictures etc.

Other Features:

I am formulating ideas by the day, but are a few of several hundred, that will make their way onto the site.


The idea would be, as well as being able to stream the site to T.V. or mobile, it will be touch screen. It works like a mobile where there will be a keyboard, and you can drag icons, sort of like iPhone mixed with C.S.I.! I am hoping it would be able to use 4G too. There will be a way where you can design applications and distribute them for free, or can tie in apps. via your iPhone, so they can be used on this site. Instead of paying users to design apps., points are awarded and mentions made. This way you can get them for free, but the creator is rewarded as well, and inspires future innovation.


A lot of older users may be more interested in what is happening in their town. For instance, if there is flooding on a particular road nearby, you can find out, and can find out the latest news and goings on where you live. If there is an event in your area, or a charity run for instance, you can distribute it to a wider audience, to raise funds, supporters and exposure. Where there are travel updates for example, or continued problems, such as flooding, you can link with the council. If there needs to be a storm grate, or flood protection on a particular road, you can link directly, based on observations and raise funds for it, via the site.

Science and Beyond:

I am working on an interactive feature with the Science, as well as the Natural History Museum. It will allow interactive exhibitions, as well as many of the features and exhibits to be streamed to the site, either as an animation, or as a video presentation. Sort of like a video game, where you can navigate and interact. Will try to build a 3D element too. This means anyone who cannot visit London or is disabled and cannot get there, will be able to enjoy it.

There will also be sections on astrology where you can ‘visit’ planets and constellations, interactively. It allows forums and discussions to take place, where you can post new theories and discuss topics, as well as science, you can talk about philosophy, dreams, big world issues etc. You can undertake experiments, and will be programmes where you can build vehicles and see how they work. There will be ’00s of options in this section overall. There is also a Virtual Body, which will be yours, literally. You can enter your health info, and can alert you if any problems are detected and can also track blood pressure, sugar levels and information that needs to be monitored. If you have high blood pressure, and have another medical issue, it can alert you to possible future issues or illnesses, so you can beat them. It also links you to medical information all over the Internet. In

Search Engine:

As will as linking the website with a custom search engine (Google, Bing etc.); there will be an expanded search engine. Current search engines have a limit. If you type in ‘songs that sound like Blowin’ In The Wind’, it might struggle to pin down relevent results. Using the various parts of the sites, as well as users, if you need to find out the above query; it uses the search engine, but connects with users and people who would know at the same time, so the results are more accurate and comprehensive. It is more responsive so if you type a sentence that starts ‘which song contains..’ or the query is quite brief, it makes it easier to get an answer. Similarly you can enter soundbites, photos into the search engine if you need to find relevant information, and will give you results.


There are comprehensive dictionaries to access, in English as well as over 30 other languages. Also there will be an encyclopedia available for free. You will be able to access information including Space, History, etc. and will have photos, pictures, graphs and video links and will be the equivalent of having a 1,500 page encyclopedia at your fingertips.


I am trying to formulate a way of having comprehensive Rosetta Stone style language courses available for free, covering 30 different languages. Over 5 years I am aiming to learn 20 new languages and am aware how expensive it is to learn. I am hoping to employ experts and the site’s users, as well as existing resources, in order to have full and detailed language courses available for anyone.

Everyone Can Live Forever:

Well… in theory. There are options where anyone can upload videos and blogs about their day to do life. Not so much as narcissism but as a record of that individual. I am researching ways of being able to have people’s ideas and thoughts updated without their input, so based on entries and uploads, the site will update. The idea is that when someone dies, many decades in the future, their thoughts, voice and feelings can be accessed, so someone can theoretically ‘live on’ in computer form. It is less advanced than the idea of singularity, but will be a legitimate first attempt at being able to preserve thoughts and personalities in computer form.

Big World Issues:

Take the recent shootings in the U.S. The site is mainly set up to avoid as many of these issues as possible. The issue tends to be the lack of mental health care and help. The plan is to make sure, if someone is in trouble, or thinking of planning something like this, it connects with mental health providers, locally and internationally. Discussions can be had via Skype, appointments made, and information given. Also, people can connect with that person and try to prevent anything from taking place.

Similarly, issues like gun violence, racism, the enviroment, employment and illnesses are brought to a wider sphere, and it is hoped that through information, and productivity by members, issues are averted, and possible problems do not occur.


As well as better opportunities and ways to link for actors, there are also sections where you can create films. I have thought of a few short film ideas recently, and love them but not sure what to do. The site will allow for greater connection with filmmakers and fundraising portals, so these visions can be realised. There will be bespoke software where you can create films and ideas, or at the very least, be able to pitch ideas effectively.

There will be an option to write a joke or comical paragraph. It works like Twitter, where you have limited characters but you can submit a line or sentence. At the end of the day, a winner is announced, for the funniest submission and points are awarded.


It will essentially be this:

This is one of the major focuses for me. I am thinking of new ideas but there are a few already. There is a section where you can write lyrics (handwrite or type) and put on the site. If you can’t think of the music, or have them spare, this means somebody can pick them up, pair them together and a collaboration can take place. Or they can be given to a band, points are earned, and helps an act out. There will be software where you can compose music; be it orchestra, or guitars etc.- and either pitch it, or use it yourself.  Existing music can be played, and deconstructed, so you can see what notes were played, and what instruments. Also, I have often heard existing songs and lyrical ideas have come to mind. Here you can play a song, with lyrics playing, and replace them. From there you can compose music and make a new song that would sound different, but be inspired by existing ones! There are also songs that play and I think of a music video to go along with them. Obviously one may already exist. There is an option where you can create your own, and get permission from the band to use the song, or create one inspired by their song. You can create a basic version of the video via the site, copyright it, and pitch to filmmakers or if it is a new song/video, can pitch it to record label.  The site will allow you to merge sounds. For instance you can isolate a Queens of the Stone guitar track, and also play Latin music. You can fuse these, and create a new sound, and can inspire a song idea. There will be options to produce music using bespoke software There will be guitars, drums, pianos, and orchestras etc. where you can practice and learn. It works like Rock Band, where you can play the instrument on the screen, and compose parts directly, to form a song. It helps you to learn an instrument, as well as making it easy to compose and record music or demo ideas.

Life Skills:

Like a Wikipedia source it will categorise everything you could need for life. It includes D.I.Y tips, and thousands of hints, guides and pages that can be accessed, with easy to follow pictures. It encourages people to learn new skills, and improve existing ones.

Inventions and Pitching:

In the last few days I have almost died a few times. Once when the sun was shining and forgot sunglasses and could not see where I was going. A few days later, there was ice on the windscreen and could not get it off without pulling over. I was frustrated. What if new car makers could install windscreen and windows, that at the press of a button could be blackened, to avoid accidents. Also have concocted a way of heating the outside of the windscreen so ice can be cleared on the move. Whilst visiting a sick friend, an idea arose. Have thought of something more advanced than Instagram where you can create your own photo, with any image or detail for free. I thought of an acting website, as well as several others. The idea is that there is a site you can pitch an idea but have copyright to the idea, but be able to connect with people who can move it forward and make it real. There are also discussion sections, so for instance any scientific discoveries or medical ideas are thought of, they can be shared and moved forward.


A lot of men suck as relationships, and sex, and everything else (I’m told). The idea is that there is a more comprehensive dating site. It works like e-Harmony where it matches people more effectively but is a free site. There are articles and tips from publications like Ask Men and Cosmopolitan that give advice about sex, dating, relationships and love. It is like the encyclopedia where it has chapters and employs visual aids, video links and can be edited by anyone and updated with advice and help.


As well as having reviews, advice and archives, there is a function where you can design your own car. It includes everything from the interior, to the name. You can also design or pitch innovations, technology or safety ideas and pitch them directly to car companies as well.

Travel and International:

Get information, photos, videos (and tours) of countries of the world.  You can select any country and get as much information as you need- history, local attractions, recommendations; photos and ‘virtual tour guides’.  Users can leave reviews and stories; share holiday pictures; recommendations- travel tips and insights.  The page is interactive and stunningly designed.

Charity Schemes:

This is a way for people to connect and launch charity schemes. These can include helping the homeless, volunteering at hospitals, or organising charity events. It connects users and people from around the world, making it easier to raise money, organise events and launch innovations to help as many people in need as possible.


As well as being an option to design your own, there is a whole library of classic and existing games, that you can download direct to your laptop or T.V. and play.


Provides a full interactive service to everyone. You can view documentaries and simulations of under the sea, Antarctica, the jungles or anywhere in the world. It gives access to nature to those unable to experience it themselves and encourages people to get involved and experience it first-hand.

Thoughts going forward:

As I mention, I am formulating new ideas, simulations and developments by the day and am going to try to make the site as all-inclusive and detailed as possible. I am not trying to bury Facebook and Twitter, but improve on both and have so much more to offer. The idea is not only to get every walk of life involved for free, but push people to be as good as possible. Through designing new programs, making networking easier, and encouraging charity, it is hoped that every individual will make as much an effort as possible to do as much as they can. I am keeping the social element, but trying to make it a small percentage of each person’s experience and introduce people to sports, games, and worlds they have never considered or been unable to experience.

I am hoping that the introduction of 3D and 4G will play a part. I am hoping to have as many 3D simulators, and if possible make everything 3D. Depending on how the technology advances, it is hoped that it will be the ‘norm’ for households thus enhancing the overall experience. With 4D being a future possibility (for all), these, along with touch screen technology makes it simple, and fast- for everyone!

In addition to promoting creativity and charity in everyone, it is hoped the site can change lives and affect change. Given recent developments in employment, gun violence and racism, it is hoped that the site can help to change individuals responsible for crimes and make it easier for laws to be changed.

I have encountered too many awesome people, by accident on social media sites. It should be easier to meet great people and the site encourages and makes it possible. There are too many faults, flaws and limitations with Facebook, Twitter and social media; and the idea is to override this and make for a better, much fuller experience.

Hopefully all of this can be a 'reality': get this site working- I think it could help many; do good (and educate many people).  I would love to hear comments, suggestions, ideas (for features/pages etc.), and above all.

What the hell should (the website) be called?!