
Lo Lo


YOU get a rush of personality and brightness…


with Lo Lo. It has been a thrill speaking with her about the debut song, Yours, and its rather usual and heartbreaking story. She discusses what her next moves are and the artists who have inspired her. The Toronto-based songwriter talks about the scene there and when music came into her life; what dates she has coming up – whether the U.K. is part of her plans.

I learn which three albums are most important to her; some new artists we need to throw our weight behind; how she spends her time away from music – she ends the interview by selecting a rather cool song.


Hi, Lo Lo. How are you? How has your week been?

What’s up, Sam! I’m doing great, thanks. This week has been crazy, but good-crazy (very good!).

For those new to your music; can you introduce yourself, please?

Hi guys! I’m Lo Lo and I’m a singer and a songwriter from Toronto. I just released my debut single, Yours, on Friday but I have a lot more music coming your way soon…and I can’t wait to share it with you guys (smiles).

Talk to me about Yours. Is it true it was motivated by a rather ill-timed breakup on April Fools’ Day?!

Haha, unfortunately, it is true. At the time it really sucked but now I’m thinking that I guess everything happens for a reason. After all, I would never have been able to write this song if it never happened. Last year, I had originally planned to release a different song as my first single but then, after I wrote Yours, I just knew that this was the one.

How did you react to that rather insensitive moment? Was it hard processing the emotions and rationalising things?!

Oh yeah; it was insane.

I thought he was joking (obviously) for a solid ten minutes of the breakup. I didn't even cry at first because I was laughing about it! I definitely cried a lot after though but sitting down and putting my emotions into a song really helped me feel better. After I wrote it, I knew that it had something special to it.

The song has plenty of spark and colour. It reminds me, in a way, of the girl group-made songs of the 1990s. Did you set out to create something that dealt with a hard subject but provided hope and uplift?

Thank you! Actually, no. At first, the song was a ballad. It was much slower and much sadder, too. As I slowly got over the breakup, the song developed into a whole new vibe. It used to be played on the piano, but the guitar gave it a whole new feel. All of a sudden, the song stopped feeling bad for itself and it stopped taking itself too seriously, as did I.

When we sat down to work on the production, I was chewing Double bubble and a huge bubble popped all over my face…and that’s when we had the idea to use that sound before the first drop. After we added the bubblegum and those initial guitars, the rest of the production and feel of the song came very quickly and easily.


Is there more material coming along? What are you working on right now?

Yeah! I’ve got a bunch more songs ready to go and am hoping to release another single later in the summer, followed by an E.P. in the fall. I can’t wait for everyone to hear it!

Toronto is where you are based out of. How would you describe the city’s music culture and scene?

Toronto has an awesome music scene - it’s very diverse, just like the people here, which is sick. There’s so much variety here, which is great because you can always go downtown and check out some new music.

When did music come into your life? Was there a moment you knew music was what you wanted to do?

From the time when I was old enough to walk and talk, I used to be obsessed with Shirley Temple movies. I made my mom curl my hair and put me in tap dancing lessons and singing lessons. I knew then that I wanted my life to be music but, at the time, I thought I wanted to be on Broadway. When I was thirteen, I picked up the guitar pretty quick, so my guitar teacher encouraged me to try to write a song. I always wrote a diary as a kid, so writing songs came pretty easy!

The one problem was - you never had to read anyone your diary, but you kinda have to show people your songs! I made my guitar teacher turn his chair around AND cover his eyes when I showed him my first song because I was so nervous and embarrassed about it. He ended up saying that it was actually pretty good! That’s when I knew I wanted to be an artist, and from then on, I wrote songs instead of diary entries.


Do you have any gigs lined up? Where are you heading?

I’m definitely going to have some gigs coming up this summer! Nothing has been officially announced yet, but I’m very excited (smiles).

Are you coming to the U.K. to see us at all?

I better be! I’ve never been to the U.K. before, but I’m dying to come! I really need to work on my British accent: it’s pretty embarrassing right now.

What do you hope to achieve in 2018?

2018 is already off to a great start! I hope that people can hear my music, sing their hearts out and relate to it. If I can make even one person feel better about a shit*y situation, then I think I’ve done my job! Sometimes, things really suck…but we get through it.


Have you got a favourite memory from your time in music – the one that sticks in the mind?

Just a few days ago, actually, someone sent me a really nice message on Insta. D.M. They told me that they came across my song on Spotify and that they could really relate - and the song made them feel better.

I think that music is all about bringing people together - and I’m so lucky that I’m able to contribute to that!


If you could select the three albums that mean the most to you; which would they be and why?

Taylor Swift - Fearless

Because this girl showed me that it was okay to write songs about whatever and whoever you want…I’ll be a Taylor Swift fan till the day I die.

Ummm. Every single Eminem album because he is a god?! But, I guess I’ll choose Curtain Call because Stan is one of my all-time favourite songs.

Gavin Degraw - Chariot

Because every single song on this album is the reason why I want to write songs. Gavin is a huge inspiration to me. I love the realness and rawness with all of his music. Also, I have a major crush on him. One of my (unreleased) songs may or may not be about him…cannot confirm or deny at this time.


What advice would you give to new artists coming through?

Just do you, no matter what people say. A lot of people told me ‘no’ many times. I was told that Yours wouldn’t do well because it didn’t fit the ‘popular’ mould of ‘regular’ songs on the radio. I was told that I should probably have a backup plan because I probably wouldn't ever be an artist. With all the positive response to my first song, I’m really happy I didn’t listen.

So; my advice to new artists (just like me) is to have confidence in who you are, and make music that makes you happy. Write songs that you think are cool - others will think it’s cool too (smiles).



Are there any new artists you recommend we check out?

You gotta check out my friend, bülow. She’s pretty new to the scene, but you’d never know it because she’s epic. I also love Billie Eilish. Not my friend, but, hopefully, my friend one day (Billie; let’s be friends).


IN THIS PHOTO: Billie Eilish

Do you get much time to chill away from music? How do you unwind?

I don’t get much time to chill away from making music but, when I do, I love to go on long walks with my puppy. His name is Slim; he’s a Bichon and he’s named after Eminem.

Finally, and for being a good sport; you can choose a song and I’ll play it here (not any of your music - I will do that).

WOO. Thanks so much for having me on here (smiles). Check out Tove Styrke’s version of Liability (Lorde). I’m obsessed with this version and sing it at least once a day:


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