FEATURE: The Lockdown Playlist: Spies and Espionage




The Lockdown Playlist

IN THIS PHOTO: John le Carré 

Spies and Espionage


THIS Lockdown Playlist reflects the sad news…

 PHOTO CREDIT: Jude Edginton for The Wall Street Journal

that legendary British author, John le Carré, died last weekend from pneumonia. Among other classics, he penned The Spy Who Came in From the Cold, and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. Because of his great spy novels, this Lockdown Playlist is about spying, espionage, secret agents and deceit. I know it is a bit of a tenuous link to the great author, but I wanted to put something out that honours him and is related to his work. If you require some addition energy and motivation this weekend then I hope that this Lockdown Playlist can help out. It is a difficult time right now and, with only a few days before Christmas, there is a lot of unhappiness and tension around. Let’s hope that 2021 provides more in the way of…

 PHOTO CREDIT: @sergiunista/Unsplash

POSITIVITY and promise.