FEATURE: The Lockdown Playlist: Alternative Rock Smashes



The Lockdown Playlist


PHOTO CREDIT: @natalieparham/Unsplash

Alternative Rock Smashes


ALTHOUGH the lockdown is easing…


PHOTO CREDIT: @rakhmatsuwandi/Unsplash

we are still being encouraged to stay at home, and we are very far from the end of all of this. I do know things are getting better, but we are still having to keep inside and be good. Because of that, I think the Lockdown Playlists are needed! I have covered quite a few genres already and, this time around, I will cover some of the best Alternative Rock hits. If you do require a playlist with a big of energy, grit and electricity, then I think I have the one for you! This weekend is going to be a bright and warm one so, if you need some tunes to accompany you whilst you get some exercise, then turn the volume up (but not too loud). One thing that has kept a lot of us going through the last few weeks is music. For me, it has been a great form of distraction and energy. It is amazing to consider the universal…


PHOTO CREDIT: @marcishere/Unsplash

POWER of music.