FEATURE: The Lockdown Playlist: Songs of Optimism and Uplift



The Lockdown Playlist

PHOTO CREDIT: @priscilladupreez/Unsplash

Songs of Optimism and Uplift


I cannot recall whether I have…

PHOTO CREDIT: @adigold1/Unsplash

covered this subject before for a Lockdown Playlist, but I thought I would put out a playlist of unifying, uplifting songs, as things have become pretty tense…and it has been a fraught past week or two especially. With areas of the country locked down and others plain confused, I think we do need some clarity, for sure, but also some spirit that gives us some energy and optimism! Whilst we cannot literally join together and embrace, music is a powerful connective tool, and it has the ability to elevate and bring people closer. I have been looking around for songs that will give us a bit of a spirit and togetherness at a time when we…

PHOTO CREDIT: @belchev/Unsplash

SORELY need it.