FEATURE: The Digital Mixtape: Songs from Albums Turning Forty-Five Next Year




The Digital Mixtape


Songs from Albums Turning Forty-Five Next Year


IN this run of features…

 PHOTO CREDIT: Grzegorz/Pexels

I am casting ahead to albums that celebrate big anniversaries in 2024. There are lots of timeless albums that will be included. For this part, I am looking to those that turn forty-five next year. Those treasures from 1979. One of music’s best years, there were so many unbelievable and legendary albums that came out then. Apologies if I miss a few, though I think I have managed to capture the very best from that year. There will be a load of songs in this playlist that are familiar and get played a lot – some of them might not be. I am excited to bring the best of 1979. For the next instalment in the series, I am compiling a best of from those wonderful albums…

FROM 1984.