FEATURE: New Year, New Opportunities: Plans and Aims for 2024





New Year, New Opportunities

PHOTO CREDIT: Anete Lusina/Pexels


Plans and Aims for 2024


I shall keep this…

PHOTO CREDIT: Alessio Cesario/Pexels

mostly about music. We are at that stage where people are making resolutions. Or they are at least thinking of ways to make the year ahead better. I have recently been made redundant, so one of my big aims is to find a new job. Not only a job that I can do and will be okay going forward for some reason unspecified. Purpose I think is what has to define 2024. That goes for my music work too. Of course, other non-music priorities are very much in my mind – including a relationship and maybe (money-willing) some travel. In terms of this website, I think that it is unlikely that it is going to be monetised much. Not so that it can provide any real significant income stream. Rather than have it as a paid site, I will continue to make it free-to-access. In terms of the content, that is the most important thing. Not a great deal with change in terms of regular stuff. There will be a load of Kate Bush features. Lots about new artists emerging. Reacting to news in the world of music. Album anniversaries etc. That sort of thing. One of the most important parts of my blog is writing about gender equality. Women’s rights. I think that this is something that I want to go further with. Maybe it will take some capital to get it going. In addition to writing features around gender equality/women’s safety etc., I do want to get something going in the form of a body or charity. Maybe joining with existing organisations that are designed to protect women’s safety.


I also want to use that thought and desire to speak to more women through the industry. Conduct interviews and get their views regarding the climate in which they work. More and more, with each passing week, I am angered by the inequality and horrifying reports of sexual abuse perpetrated by a man in the industry. It is important that as much effort and passion is dedicated to this: helping to highlight what is happening but also trying to wake the industry up and get change. I know there are some amazing people doing this already. Lending my voice and resources is crucial. Together with that, there is also this thing about male allyship. In terms of those through the industry constantly discussing gender, women’s rights and really big issues, there is not a lot out there. Not many speaking out and writing about it regularly. I am not saying I am the only one…though it is very rare to see any vocal allies that are showing their support. That is worrying! I know that there are men in music who care about ensuring women are seen, heard and feel safe. It is that step between having that attitude and actually activating some form of engagement with the subjects. I am not sure how easy it is for there to be a change where journalists, label bosses, artists and all other available male mind looks at the clear issues in the industry and helps to do something. That is why it is important to me to do what I can in 2024 to make a difference.

PHOTO CREDIT: KoolShooters/Pexels

There are other things that I want to do in terms of fulfilling ambitions. I think that there are podcast opportunities. Maybe that will tie into my idea about gender equality and women’s rights. Maybe being able to monetise that through advertising, though also ensuring that a portion of those earnings go to women’s charities and organisations that support women’s rights and safety. I would like to pitch a music T.V. show. There is only one on the box at the moment, Later… with Jools Holland, so having something alongside that would be good. In terms of my Kate Bush work, either doing another podcast or writing something significant – maybe not a book but doing a project or self-funded documentary – would be a sensible next step. I also know how many great artists there are coming through. Ensuring that I get to highlight and speak to as many of them as is possible is a big aim. I have done a lot of that this year, yet there is opportunity to interview more people; go to more gigs and do some live reviews. It is difficult when I do not monetise my blog, though I hope to be able to budget a bit regarding that side of things. Make sure my blog is relevant and interesting. Putting in some audio and video now and then perhaps.

PHOTO CREDIT: Helena Lopes/Pexels

I would love to get to New York at some point next year. I am keen to do as much as I can to fulfil myself. To feel more valuable and purposeful. Do stuff I did not get round to doing in 2023. How achievable that is I am not sure. Losing a job puts some things into perspective. Maybe a chance to do something more meaningful and related to what I love to do. It is vital to me I can be as engaged with people as possible and write as much as I can. I also would like to focus on the personal and making sure I have enough social time as well. I guess everyone has similar aims for 2024. Putting it down on paper (or having it somewhere) is a way you can refer to that list and very much keep it in mind. Rather than them being resolutions, it seems bigger than that. It is about changing your life, however big or small, and really using a new year ahead to think about what is important and what you want to achieve. It has been a great year for my website. Lots of great people have interacted with my work. I have discovered a lot of terrific artists and made some important connections. Keeping that going into next year is crucial. I hope that everyone has a good 2024 planned. It is a chance to evaluate and think about aims and personal goals. A great chance to think about…

PHOTO CREDIT: fauxels/Pexels

WHAT you really want to do.