FEATURE: The Digital Playlist: Spring Songs to Warm the Body




The Digital Playlist

PHOTO CREDIT: Vinicius Wiesehofer/Unsplash 


Spring Songs to Warm the Body


WE are in…

 PHOTO CREDIT: Sam Carter/Unsplash

meteorological spring, but we have to wait a bit longer until we are in spring itself (20th March). It is very cold and bitter right now, so it doesn’t feel like we are near spring! Colder than we had hoped for March, everyone is looking forward to spring truly arriving. To hopefully get the process started and at least warm the body, below are some spring-ready songs that hopefully will help banish the cold for a little while. It has been pretty horrible weather-wise as of late, and we are all hoping that things brighten and warm up pretty soon. As spring looms and we all want to get outside and feel much cheerier, there are some tracks below that should get you in the mood. Even though it doesn’t feel spring-like at the moment, it will be here…

 PHOTO CREDIT: Sergey Shmidt/Unsplash

BEFORE you know it.