Prima Hera


EVEN though this year…

is the first where Prima Hera has released singles and is really starting to get noticed, I think that you can already tell that she is primed for big things. The moniker of the remarkable Stef Williamson, I have been speaking with her about her brilliant new single, Michigan, what it was like receiving such acclaim for her debut single, Sidecar, how she feels about the upcoming gig at Tesla Studios in Sheffield on 14th April, and where that unique moniker came from. A wonderful artist whose first couple of singles point at someone who has this very distinct sound, but she also has this range and nuance that means every song ventures into new lyrical and sonic territory – and they keep you coming back for more! It is wonderful discovering more about Prima Hera. Someone whose name is being lauded and highlighted by the media and radio. You really need to get behind…

THIS extraordinary artist.


Hi Stef. How are you? How has your week been?

It’s been good thanks. I have been busy with everything surrounding the new single release.

Your new single is Michigan. Can you tell us how it came about and what inspired it?

It’s a song I wrote last summer. I was booked in for studio time to record Sidecar and another song. Michigan came to me very last minute, about a week before the session. It was a scramble to get it all ready, but I really wanted to record it. The inspiration is your classic tale of unrequited love. I love a miserable song and I love a road song; songs like Thunder Road and I Drove All Night. I think the idea of driving long distance, especially in the contemplative silence of the night, is so romantic. The protagonist in the song is definitely the hopeless romantic type, but I got to thinking ‘what would it be like if the person you were driving for wasn’t really that bothered about seeing you?’.

You have had a successful start to 2023 so far. Looking back, what are your personal highlights?

The actual releasing of a song was a personal highlight for me. I have written so many songs over the last five years that I didn’t release, so I was pleased to actually get something out there. The response was so much more than I had hoped for too - it meant a lot to me that people wanted to write about it and play it on their radio shows.

I am interesting in discovering when music came into your life. Can you remember which artists and albums were early favourites?

It feels like music has been an important part of my life forever. My older brothers are both excellent songwriters, so there was always music going on around me when I was little. I wanted to do the same as them, so I would write girl group songs and make my friends sing them and do dance routines with me at primary school haha. When I started getting into Alternative music, I loved Nirvana in particular - I listened to Nevermind on repeat. Then Punk-y stuff like Rancid’s And Out Come the Wolves, and Descendents’ Milo Goes to College.

Becoming a parent made me reflect a lot on what kind of person I want to be - I want my son to feel that you can pursue the things you’re passionate about”.

After writing for many years, you released music as Prima Hera. What inspired you to do so, and where does that moniker come from?

It was really the birth of my son. I had been toying with releasing music for a number of years since my old band came to an end, but I always backed out because I felt the songs weren’t good enough. Becoming a parent made me reflect a lot on what kind of person I want to be - I want my son to feel that you can pursue the things you’re passionate about.

The name comes from the Greek goddess Hera. Greek mythology holds that she made the Milky Way with her breast milk, which I thought was a powerful idea.

Readers of Tom Robinson’s (BBC Radio 6 Music) blog voted your debut single, Sidecar, as a favourite of theirs. How did that make you feel?

Tom Robinson’s Fresh on the Net is an amazing platform where any artist can upload a track and it will be heard by moderators and listeners. Listeners then vote on their favourites. I felt so honoured that Sidecar was chosen in the top ten tracks that week. It was my first single, so I had no idea how it would be received. It gave me a lot of confidence in the music I’m currently creating.

I am recording two singles in May which I’m really excited about, because I feel like I’ve been writing some of my best work recently”.

Being based in Sheffield, what is the local scene like in terms of rising artists?

It feels sometimes like Sheffield gets missed a little bit in terms of touring artists, but we have a really great scene of local artists. I think in particular there is a wealth of amazing women in Sheffield, like Before Breakfast, Teah Lewis, Seedling, and Luxury Goods.

Might we hear more music later in the year? Is there an E.P. in the works?

You will definitely hear more music later this year. I am recording two singles in May which I’m really excited about, because I feel like I’ve been writing some of my best work recently. An E.P is a little further off for me at the moment, but I’m hoping to write and record one next year.

You are playing Tesla Studios in Sheffield on 14th April. Are there any other dates approaching, and which venue would be your dream if you had the choice?

The Tesla gig is the only one in my plans at the moment, so if you want to see me you best come along. I’m a little bit of a recluse when it comes to gigs - I like to think it gives me an air of mystery like Kate Bush haha.

Oooh a dream venue, that’s a good question. I once accidentally overheard Elton John playing at the Roman Colosseum in the centre of Verona - that would be pretty nice. A little closer to home, I’d love to play Nottingham Rescue Rooms. I never played there when I was in a band in Nottingham and I feel like I have unfinished business!

Finally, and for being a good sport, you can choose any song you like (from another artist) to play and I will include it here.

Oh wow, just one? That’s cruel! I absolutely love Looking for the Right Things by A.O. Gerber. The way the track builds is perfection, so let’s go with that.


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