FEATURE: The Digital Mixtape: Elton John’s Goodbye Yellow Brick Road at Fifty: ‘Yellow’ Songs




The Digital Mixtape

PHOTO CREDIT: Minh Ngọc/Pexels


Elton John’s Goodbye Yellow Brick Road at Fifty: ‘Yellow’ Songs


ON 5th October, 1973…

Elton John released his seventh studio album, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. Perhaps one of his best-known and admired, its title song is a classic. I was going to write a full anniversary feature about the album, but I feel conflicted. On the one hand, it is a brilliant album that ranks alongside the best of the 1970s. Recently, as actor Kevin Spacey was acquitted on charges of sexual assault. Elton John gave evidence in his defence and enjoyed dinner with him. It does seem like a legendary artist siding with an actor who is not actually innocent of the charges. A powerful man in Hollywood, I doubt that Spacey got away with a lot of horrible stuff. For that reason, it doesn’t feel right giving too much oxygen to an artist and album that once would have been celebrated. Not that Elton John is no longer worthy of focus. His music is timeless and important, though I think he has sullied his reputation and good name by siding with Spacey. That said, I did want to mark Goodbye Yellow Brick Road’s fiftieth anniversary. More as a jumping-off point than the subject of a dedicated feature. Instead, below are songs featuring the word/colour yellow. Below are some ‘yellow’ songs (and one different from a similar playlist I made in 2021) that make for…

A diverse and interesting playlist.