FEATURE: The Digital Mixtape: April Songs




The Digital Mixtape

PHOTO CREDIT: Saliha Sevim/Pexels


April Songs


SPRING is upon us…

PHOTO CREDIT: cottonbro studio/Pexels

and we are a day away from April. A month that will welcome warmer weather and a more pronounced and obvious experience of spring, I wanted to compile a playlist of April songs. It is one of my favourite months. Of course, not all of the songs will relate to the weather or spring. Instead, we get an assortment of tracks with April at their heart. I think we have all had enough of winter and are excited about spring. Today is Easter Sunday, so we get to enjoy that and also look ahead to a month that is gig to be a lot brighter and warmer. For this Digital Mixtape, I have assembled April-titled songs. There are a few songs that you would have heard of, though there are likely quite a few that are new to you. Enjoy this playlist as we bid farewell…

PHOTO CREDIT: Lisa Fotios/Pexels

TO March.