FEATURE: Work and Play: The Struggle of Getting the Balance Right for Those in the Music Industry




Work and Play

PHOTO CREDIT: Stephanie Lima


The Struggle of Getting the Balance Right for Those in the Music Industry


NOT that I would ever…

PHOTO CREDIT: Edward Eyer/Pexels

consider myself to be in the music industry, but I am someone who writes about music. A music journalist. What I am finding, like artists and so many others in this industry, is that it consumes your life. That desire to spend every spare moment doing what you really love. It is hard getting that work-life balance right. For me, I work a full-time job and then get up early and work longer at the weekends ensuring that I can get content produced. Keen to make sure I have features written and do not miss anything that is happening in the world of music. For artists and anyone else out there, I realise that they may work even longer hours. Dedicate so much of themselves to what they do. There are few that can do music full-time and get paid for it. Most of us have other jobs and there is that task of ensuring that we can do everything and not burn out. There are struggles associated with the approach of fitting it all in. When it comes to diet and making sure we can eat okay. How about social life and having relationships. For me, there are not many hours left in the day to see others too much. To make sure I am getting a good and hearty meal every day. I feel it comes down to the fact that, in 2024, few of us in music are getting paid enough so that we can do much/journalism as a career. Therefore, we are working jobs and then working even longer hours fitting music in too. Getting enough sleep and making sure that we are rested and have enough energy.

PHOTO CREDIT: Stas Knop/Pexels

I guess this is the way it has been for years, though I am noticing more and more on social media discussing how they are feeling exhausted or overworked. The thing is, that love and dedication to music is what keeps us going! Many people are able to healthily balance their music love and doing ‘the day job’. However, when it comes to that necessity of balancing things and making sure you get enough sleep, have a good diet and have a social life, how easy it that to accompany?! I have written before how there should be mores social events/dating sites for those in the music industry. People who can make connections with like-minded people. More outlets and options for people who share the same passion. I also feel like there could be more resources available. There are useful features and articles that highlight ways you can achieve a work-life balance. What I am finding is that an industry that pays people so little and there are not many opportunities to make meaningful money means that so many are working harder and longer so they can do what they really want to do – plus ensure they do a daily job and can keep healthy. Mental and physical health are paramount. Looking around and it is shocking how many are neglecting areas of their life. From my viewpoint, I am not leaving much time for relationships or much relaxation time. Also, when it comes to connecting with someone who has the same interests, that can be really hard. I do know that it is maybe tougher now than ever for any of us in music to get traction and earn money. For journalists, there are few big paid opportunities. There is a lot to right about, yet when it is converted into work, making sure it is seen by enough people is really hard.

PHOTO CREDIT: Ella Olsson/Pexels

The reason I wanted to write this feature is to look out at the music industry and careers within it. Whether we are spending enough time on ourselves and wellbeing. And whether that is really possible. It is not all a horror show. I am grateful I can do what I do (unpaid) and manage that with a job. There are many worse off. I also know that I have a platform that has been around for years and has a certain following. Where the issues arise is when trying to make a bigger thing of it and get my words read and noticed. I am finding I am writing more and more to get things out. Days are long and it can be a real challenge to strike that healthy balance. Many other people are in the same situation. Discussing the fact that they do not have many hours to find someone else or create social circles. Perhaps they are sleeping less or pushing themselves more than they ordinarily would. Maybe there are no easy solutions. I do feel that we all need to, if possible, try and find some time and space to consider out mental health and social lives. Trying to find moments when we can step away from music. I know that it is really tough to do, as it can be a bit of an addiction. Also, with so much competition and so little avenues for paid work, more and more are spending most of their free time with music. Such a tough situation. I am finding areas of my life neglected because I am spending so long writing.

PHOTO CREDIT: Pixabay/Pexels

Even if you do prioritises, set yourself goals or try and step away from the screen/music work for a few hours a day, you still find that there are things missing. That you still don’t have time for certain things. One can say that this is a problem everyone faces. Not exclusive to music. I would disagree. I think that there is something uniquely demanding about the industry. Maybe that is not the right word. What I mean is that is can be tougher to strike that work-life balance. Getting recognition and opportunities from the music side of things, being able to work during the day and then finding that you can go out socialising/dating and also keep your mind and body healthy and looked after. It does ask questions of the industry. Whether there are enough resources out there. Whether artists are undervalued and are being paid adequately. More money does need to be injected into the industry. Journalism is largely unpaid these days. So many artists expected to do free gigs for exposure and the experience. It does mean, inevitably, that this puts strain on us. I do feel that there are a lot of positives being in the music industry. In terms of the joy of going to gigs or discovering new artists. Reaching any audience at all. Even so, we are all witnessing many struggling to keep healthy or get proper remuneration and compensation for what they do. Maybe unable to find time for love and more social time. Keep themselves healthy and happy. This needs to be a priority for us all as we pass through the year. Also a spotlight on those who could make things easier. A realisation that, from major artists through to journalists and those doing smaller roles, it is quite tough at the moment. Lot of problems arising for those who have a passion but are finding it tough to keep going at a rate where they can commit to that but also ensure they can pay rent/do a job etc. Finding that balance and ensuring that we look after ourselves is quite challenging. It is something that I am finding…

PHOTO CREDIT: Samson Katt/Pexels

HARDER and harder to do.