FEATURE: The Digital Mixtape: Songs from the Best Twenty Albums of 2023




The Digital Mixtape

IN THIS PHOTO: Kylie Minogue/PHOTO CREDIT: Cosmopolitan Magazin Deutschland


Songs from the Best Twenty Albums of 2023


I think I have done this before…

IN THIS PHOTO: Iraina Mancini/PHOTO CREDIT: Lloyd Winters

but, as I am still very much enjoying great albums from last year, I wanted to put out an updated playlist featuring songs from the twenty best albums of a great year. Last year was one of the strongest in recent years. In terms of its variety and quality. So many standout albums that will stand the test of time. This Digital Mixtape is all about representing that gold. You may have missed some of these albums. I might put out another Digital Mixtape with songs from the best twenty albums of this year so far. In the meantime, I am representing the best and brightest from 2023. Reflecting on a sensational year for music. If you need a refresher regarding the finest albums from last year, then this mixtape should give you…

IN THIS PHOTO: Young Fathers

A good representation.